The Community Peace Officer (CPO) operates under the authority of the Alberta Solicitor General. His role is to enforce Town of Ponoka bylaws as well as enforcement of provincial laws that primarily focus on traffic control and public safety. The CPO also works closely with the Ponoka RCMP detachment, Alberta Sheriffs, Alberta Fish and Wildlife and Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement to help keep our community safe.
Please note: Bylaws are enforced on an observance and complaint basis in the Town of Ponoka. The CPO and Protective Services Manager work together to respond to bylaw concerns or requests.
A complete list of the Town of Ponoka Bylaws is available on the Ponoka Civic Web.
How to Submit a Bylaw Concern
To submit a bylaw concern, please click here or phone the Town Office at 403-783-4431 for assistance in submitting your request.
If all details outlined below are not included, the CPO may not have enough information to respond to your concern.
When submitting your question or request, please provide the following:
- Your full name, email, and phone number; and
- Full details about your concern
- What has happened – Please provide as many details as you can
- Where did it happen – Address of the concern
- When did it happen – The time, date and duration
- Other Information – For example, if you’ve tried other ways to manage the situation, or contacted other first responders, please include this in your statement.
Summary: Dog Barking (what)
Details: There is a dog barking at 5601 50 St in Ponoka (where), and its been going on since 3 am (its now 5 am) (when). It started sporadically but has gotten more persistent in the past 30 minutes (when). We’ve spoken to the neighbour before about their dog barking in the early morning, but this is by far the earliest!
You can add documents or pictures to help ‘tell the story.'
The CPO's duties include:
The Community Peace Officer's duties include, but are not limited to:
- Traffic safety enforcement on Town roads and provincial Highways 2A and 53;
- Commercial vehicle inspections;
- Educating citizens on the requirements of Town bylaws and provincial legislation, and providing enforcement when needed;
- Listening and responding to bylaw concerns, requests and questions from citizens.
Provincial laws enforced by the CPO include:
- Traffic Safety Act;
- Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act;
- Animal Protection Act;
- Environmental Protection Act;
- Highway Development and Protection Act;
- Petty Trespass Act;
- Provincial Offences Procedures Act.