Waste Management

Grey cart at curbThe Town of Ponoka provides curbside collection of recyclables, compostable material and household garbage.

Residents are encouraged to recycle and compost as much waste as possible through our curbside collection program. Not only does it divert waste from the landfill, it also saves on tipping fees at the landfill which can help offset future utility rate increases. 

To determine your regular scheduled day for waste pick up, please see:

Please have green and grey carts, as well as recycling at the curb for waste pick up by 7 a.m. on your designated collection day. 

The Town also operates the Waste Transfer Station which provides compost, household hazardous waste disposal and a number of recycling opportunities including for electronics and used motor oil. 

Proper Cart and Bag Placement

Please ensure the cart lids are closed and the wheels are against the curb with one metre (3 to 4 feet) of clearance around the carts for the truck’s automated arm to safely pick them up and empty them. If your cart lid is not closed and garbage falls out when the automated arm empties it into the truck, you are responsible for picking up any waste that has fallen out. 

Please place clear or blue transparent bags of recyclable materials at the curb.

Carts and recyclables must be placed at the curb by 7 a.m.

Statutory Holidays

All collection days that fall on a statutory holiday will still receive service on that day, with the exception of Christmas Day.  

2025 Waste Collection Calendar

Please click on the image below: