Elm Tree Pruning Ban

April 1 to September 30 Each Year

To help keep Alberta Dutch Elm Disease (DED) free, the Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease encourages everyone to pay attention to the provincial elm pruning ban between April 1 and September 30. To help eliminate beetle habitat, it is important to properly prune all dead wood out of your elms and dispose of all pruned elm wood and elm firewood by burning, burying or chipping by March 31 each year. Stored elm wood can harbor the elm bark beetles that can carry Dutch Elm Disease.

Having your tree pruned properly is important. Many trees are killed or ruined annually from improper pruning. Pruning like any other skill requires knowledge and should be done by a professional certified arborist who can determine what type of pruning is necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance and safety of your trees.

Topping or removing an excessive amount of live wood is not recommended on any variety of trees and will weaken the tree’s structure. Please find a certified ISA arborists and learn more about Dutch Elm Disease on the Government of Alberta website.