Business Licensing

Businesses that operate or provide or sell a product or service within or partially within the Town of Ponoka corporate boundaries are required to possess a valid Ponoka business licence in accordance with Bylaw No. 443-20 Business Licence.

Business licences are valid from January 1 to December 31 of the same calendar year. As per Bylaw No. 443-20, business licences for the upcoming year must be obtained by December 31.

Owners of a restaurantPlease view the table below for information about Business Licence application forms and fees.

When applying for a Business Licence, you will also have the option to have your business information included in the Ponoka Business Directory. The Directory listing opportunity is only available to businesses with valid Ponoka Business Licences. A Business Licence will not be issued until all required Development Permits, Building Permits, fire and/or health inspections, or other applicable Provincial approvals have been obtained.

For helpful information and resources for businesses, please visit the Alberta Biz Connect website. The website also provides guidance for businesses opening and operating during the pandemic and non-typical situations.

Letter of Intent Form
Letter of Authorization Form
Business Licence Application Form
Business Licence Amendment Form
Business Licence Fees

If you've changed any business information (such as location, phone numbers, contact person, etc.) please contact the Town Office by emailing so that the information is current for both your business licence and the business directory.

Certain professional services (eg. accountants, lawyers, medical offices, and some members of trade or professional associations) are exempt by provincial or federal regulations from requiring a business licence. It is your responsibility to determine if you are exempt.

A charitable or non-profit organization conducting business or fundraising may also be exempt from some licensing requirements. Application for a business licence would still be required; however, the application may be waived. It is the responsibility of the organization to provide proof of non-profit.