Outdoor Winter Recreation

Skating Trail at Lions Centennial Park

Winter weather means outdoor activities like skating, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, and enjoying a crisp, refreshing stroll along the 10 kilometres of walking trails in Ponoka.

PlaceLocation Status
Ponoka Arena Complex Outdoor Skating Rink (ODR)
  • Citizens can enjoy the ODR in the daytime and in the evening as the outdoor lights will operate from 5 to 10 p.m.
  • Indoor changerooms can be accessed at the north end of the Ponoka Arena Complex and are available from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
4410 54 Street, PonokaClosedDaughter and father skating on outdoor rink
Skating Trail at Lions Centennial Park
  • The skating trail can be accessed from the north-end gazebo at Centennial Park.
  • Please note that the ice trail is for public skating only. Hockey is not permitted.
Located on Highway 2A, just north of Highway 53Closed

***The opening of the outdoor skating rinks is weather-dependent. Please note that below-zero temperatures are needed for the ice-making process to begin each year at all outdoor skating surfaces in Ponoka, including the outdoor rink (ODR) at the Arena. 

Once temperatures begin to consistently drop below zero, work on preparing the outdoor ice surfaces can begin.***

Snow clearing procedures on outdoor rinks:Snow on outdoor rink

  • Outdoor skating rinks are maintained throughout the week. This includes snow removal and flooding.
  • Should it snow the night before, snow removal of trails and sidewalks is a priority. The maintenance of outdoor skating rinks could be delayed and flooding may not occur during these instances.

Tom Hamilton Memorial Hill (Ponoka Kinsmen Recreation Park)6706 36 Avenue, Ponoka
On the west end of 36 Avenue in the Froman Industrial Park.

Family tobogganing

Ski Trails at the Ponoka Golf Course

***The starting and finishing point is down below near the member cart shed. Please stay on the trails at all times.***
3519 46 Street, PonokaOpen

Cross Country Skiers