Information for Candidates

Council ChambersTo learn about the requirements for running for office in the Town of Ponoka, please click on the links below. 

Candidates are responsible for understanding all legislation concerning elections. 

Further information will be provided as it becomes available. 

The Notice of Intent to Run process is new for the 2025 municipal election. Prospective candidates must file the Notice of Intent to Run form with the Election Office before accepting campaign contributions or incurring campaign expenses. 

You can submit your completed Notice of Intent to Run form with the Elections Office by:

  • Dropping it off at the Town Office on the second floor of the Ponoka Civic Centre;
  • Mailing it to Town of Ponoka, 200, 5604 50 Street, Ponoka, AB T4J 1G5; or 
  • Emailing it to

The campaign period for the 2025 municipal election is October 31, 2024 to December 31, 2025.

Candidates must follow the election finance rules set out in Part 5.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act and the Expense Limits Regulation.

If there are any changes to the information provided in the Notice of Intent to Run form, the candidate must notify the Election Office within 48 hours by email at or by phone at 403-783-4431.

How Do I Know if I’m Eligible to Run?

Anyone considering running for office should confirm their eligibility as a first step. To be eligible, a prospective candidate must be:

  • At least 18 years old on Nomination Day (September 22, 2025);
  • A Canadian citizen;
  • A resident of the Town of Ponoka for the six consecutive months immediately before Nomination Day (September 22, 2025); 
  • A resident of the Town of Ponoka on Election Day (October 20, 2025); and
  • Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified under the Local Authorities Election Act.

It is a candidate’s responsibility to confirm eligibility before engaging in the nomination process.

Is a Deposit Required to File a Notice of Intent to Run?

No, a deposit is not required when filing a Notice of Intent to Run.

No. Submitting a Notice of Intent to Run is one step in the process and does not mean you have been nominated and will appear on the ballot.

Once a prospective candidate’s Notice of Intent to Run submission is complete and they are added to the Register of Candidates, they can accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses.

To become a nominated candidate and appear on the ballot, a candidate must complete the nomination process during the Nomination Period from January 1 to September 22, 2025.

Candidates are required to file a disclosure statement with the Election Office, on or before March 1 of each year, if contributions were received in the previous year. If contributions are collected and/or expenses incurred in 2024, a disclosure statement must be filed on or before March 1, 2025. For contributions collected and expenses incurred in 2025, a disclosure statement must be filed on or before March 1, 2026.

TIP: Make sure to keep complete and detailed records of your contributions and expenses. This will be important for completing your disclosure statement(s).

The Register of Candidates is a record of all candidates who have given notice to the Town of Ponoka Election Office that they intend to seek nomination for office in the next general election, as required by the Local Authorities Election Act.

The Town of Ponoka is required to maintain a register of candidates that have filed a Notice of Intent to Run and the register will be publicly available here on the Town’s website until December 31, 2025.

Currently, there are no Notices of Intent to Run that have been filed.

Nominations for Mayor or Councillors will be accepted by the Returning Officer from Thursday, January 2, 2025 until 12 p.m. on Monday, September 22, 2025. 

Prospective candidates filing their nominations may:

  • Schedule an appointment with the Returning Officer by emailing or by calling 403-783-4431;
  • Submit their nomination papers by using the secure Town of Ponoka dropbox inside the west doors of the Ponoka Civic Centre (5604 50 Street); or
  • Mail or courier their nomination papers to the Town of Ponoka (c/o Returning Officer, 200, 5604 50 Street, Ponoka AB T4J 1G5).

Although nomination forms mailed or couriered will be accepted by the Returning Officer, this could pose a risk for candidates if the information is not submitted to the local jurisdiction office by the noon deadline on Nomination Day (September 22, 2025). 

Therefore, it is recommended that candidates file their nomination papers in person or submit their nomination papers using the secure dropbox. Nominations will be accepted in-person by appointment only.

Further information on nomination requirements are available within the Nomination Information Package.